South Wood County (SWC) YMCA has three locations meeting the needs of the community; Wisconsin Rapids, Adams and Port Edwards. In addition to the two facilities, SWC YMCA has a Camp located on a lake near Wisconsin Rapids. Kids can enjoy a variety of activities year-round, and facility rentals are available to the public. Come visit SWC YMCA – there’s SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE
Our Mission
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

This photo of the YMCA in Port Edwards was taken in 1958. Photo Courtesy of Alexander House Archives.
Our History
The YMCA has been serving South Wood County since 1957. The Y is the place to go for family events, activities, and fun! Annually, over 15,000 individuals participate in YMCA programs and no one is ever turned away for an inability to pay. The Y offers over 100 programs for anyone from toddlers to active older adults. In addition, the YMCA runs 7 before and after school programs that serve nearly 200 families in the community. During the summer, YMCA Camp Alexander offers the opportunity for over 500 youth to experience the joys of day and resident camp.
What began as a Young Men’s Christian Association now includes men and women of all ages with a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds. We have never forgotten our story, however, that we still remain an association which seeks to serve people and adapt with current times, cultures and needs. Today, the South Wood County YMCA is proud to have served our area since 1957. With our trusted brand and longstanding history in our community, today, we are able to touch more lives than ever before.
The Y is the place to go for family events, activities, and fun! Annually, over 15,000 individuals participate in YMCA programs and no one is ever turned away for an inability to pay. The Y offers over 100 programs for anyone from toddlers to active older adults. In addition, the YMCA runs 7 before and after school programs that serve nearly 200 families in the community. During the summer, YMCA Camp Alexander offers the opportunity for over 500 youth to experience the joys of day and resident camp.
We take pride in the work we do. However, we cannot rest on past accomplishments or assume that the good work we do today will speak for itself. We are continuously and proactively calculating ways to benefit the community and grow our facilities and programs for the next generation.
For an even deeper look into the YMCA’s past, including the founding of the first YMCA by George Williams in London, England in 1844, visit our national YMCA website

Youth Development
At the Y, we don’t just teach swimming lessons or coach soccer. We’re about youth development: ensuring that the 9 million children and teens in our programs reach their full potential by helping them grow— physically, mentally and socially— from young children into engaged, active members of their communities.

Healthy Living
Being healthy means more than simply being physically active. It’s about maintaining a balanced spirit, mind and body. The Y is a place where you can work toward that balance by challenging yourself to learn a new skill or hobby, fostering connections with friends through our lifelong learning programs, or bringing your loved ones closer together through our many family-centered activities.

Social Responsibility
To bring about meaningful change, individuals need ongoing encouragement and tools. We’re here day-in and day-out to provide the resources our communities need to address the most pressing social issues: child welfare, education, employment, housing and substance abuse. We work to make sure every child, family and community has what they need to achieve their best.
Together We Can Do So Much More
With programs from A to Z – like athletics to advocacy, dance classes to disease prevention, volleyball to volunteerism – we don’t just strengthen individuals, we strengthen our community.
Yet there is so much more to do.
South Wood County faces challenges that create a greater need for the work we do. Fortunately, where some see obstacles, we see opportunities for our members, community, volunteers, staff and generous donors to make a difference. No other organization can impact as many people as powerfully as we do every day.

When We Work As One We Can All Move Forward
South Wood County faces challenges that create a greater need for the work we do. Fortunately, where some see obstacles, we see opportunities for our members, community, volunteers, staff and generous donors to make a difference. No other organization can impact as many people as powerfully as we do every day.
For information on contributing to our Annual Campaign, or making a gift to our Endowment Fund contact Erin Hess at 715 818 6017 or hess@swcymca.org.
Corporate Sponsors
Our Staff

Ryan Zietlow
Interim President/CEO
(715) 818-6020

Erin Hess
Branch Executive Director
(715) 818-6017

Baxter Arndt
Sports & Camp Director
(715) 818-6010
Jacqueline Blum
Member Services & Adventure Center Coordinator
(715) 818-6041
Vicki Kilps
Membership and Adams Coordinator
(715) 818-6041 or
(608) 472-5404

Cristina Heath
Assistant Childcare Director
(715) 818-6018

Julia De Groot
Aquatics Director
(715) 818-6014

Heather Khachani
Director of Finance and Administration

Jacob Klatkiewicz
Healthy Living Director
(715) 818-6015

Mike Vechinski
Maintenance Director

Tracy Vruwink
Sr. Director of Childcare & Community Programs
Community Events Coordinator
(715) 818-9622
Ian Hess
Aquatics Coordinator
(715) 818-6014
Our Board of Directors
Tim Birkhauser | Chief Volunteer Officer
Spectrum Insurance Group
Kristen Henslin | Vice Chief Volunteer Officer
Whittlesey Cranberry Company, Inc.
Justin Huebner | Treasurer
Mary (Sigler) Bryniarski | Secretary
Nekoosa Port Edwards State Bank
Lauren Arendt
Noonan Arendt Law, LLP
Luke Bord
Wood Trust Bank
Sherry Evenson
Wood Trust Bank
JoAnn Lester
Kristie Rauter-Egge
Wood County Health Department
Shane Blaser
Tim O’Conner
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