Swim Lessons
For over 100 years, the YMCA has been one of America’s favorite swim instructors and a leader in water safety. Our proven curriculum and friendly environment enhance skills, all while having fun.
- Swimming
- Swim Lessons
Swim Programs
At the Y, swimming is a life skill. We offer a wide selection of parent & child, preschool, school-age, teen, and adult swim lessons that build strong and confident swimmers. It uses a problem-solving, guided-discovery teaching approach in a positive, caring environment. All age groups are taught the same skills but divided according to their developmental milestones.
Fall 2: Nov 4-Dec 20
Parent Child Swim Lessons (AGES 6mo – 3yrs)
Accompanied by a parent, infants and toddlers learn to be comfortable in the water and develop swim readiness skills through fun and confidence-building experiences, while parents learn about water safety, drowning prevention, and the importance of supervision.
Parent Child Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Swim Basics
Students learn personal water safety and achieve basic swimming competency by learning two benchmark skills:
- Swim, float, swim – sequencing front glide, roll, back float, roll, front glide, and exit
- Jump, push, turn, grab
Stage 1 – Water Acclimation – PRESCHOOL and SCHOOL AGE
Preschool: Ages 3-5 years
School Age: Ages 5-13 years.
This class is designed for youth not yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily. Children will develop comfort with underwater exploration and learn to safely exit a body of water, in the event they fall in.
Stage 1 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Stage 2 – Water Movement – PRESCHOOL and SCHOOL AGE
Preschool: Ages 3-5 years
School Age: Ages 5-13 years
This class is designed for youth who submerge independently. Students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water while continuing to practice how to roll from front to back.
Stage 2 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Stage 3 – Water Stamina PRESCHOOL and SCHOOL AGE
This class is designed for children ages 5-13.
Stage 3 is for children who are able to independently swim 10 feet on their front and back, and use the swim-float-swim sequence independently for 5 yards. They are introduced to rhythmic breathing and integrated arm and leg action. Children will continue to develop their treading water skills and increase the distance they are able to swim independently.
Stage 3 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Swim Strokes
Having mastered the fundamentals, students learn additional water safety skills and build stroke techniques, developing skills that prevent chronic disease, increase social-emotional and cognitive well-being, and foster a lifetime of physical activity.
Stage 4 – Stroke Introduction
This class is designed for children ages 5-13. Youth entering Stage 4 should be able to swim 15 yards on their front and back independently, and swim-float-swim for 25 yards. Youth will develop stroke technique in front and back crawl and learn the breaststroke and butterly kicks. Water safety is reinforced through treading water and elementary backstroke.
Stage 4 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Stage 5 – Stroke Development
Youth entering Stage 5 should be able to swim 15 yards of front crawl with rotary breathing, and 15 yards of back crawl. Youth will work on stroke technique and learn all major competitive strokes. Emphasis on water safety continues through treading water and side stroke.
Stage 5 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Stage 6 – Stroke Mechanics
Youth entering Stage 6 should be able to swim 25 yards of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Students will refine stroke technique on all major competitive strokes, learn about competitive swimming, and discover how to incorporate swimming into a healthy lifestyle.
Stage 6 Swim Lessons: Summer 1
Fall 2: Nov 4-Dec 20| Registration opens Oct 25
Private Swim Lessons
Private lessons are one on one 30-minute lessons, available for all ages and levels, and are arranged to fit your scheduled based on pool and instructor availability. Participants work on swimming skills appropriate for their ability and in-line with their goals.
1 Private Swim Lesson for $20
3 Private Swim Lessons for $60
5 Private Swim Lessons for $100
1 Private Swim Lesson for $25
3 Private Swim Lessons for $75
5 Private Swim Lessons for $125
Semi-Private Swim Lessons
Semi-private lessons are designed for two students with one instructor. The Y does not match individuals for lessons. 30-minute lessons, available for all ages & levels, arranged to fit your schedule based on pool and instructor availability.
1 Semi-Private Swim Lesson for $30
3 Semi-Private Swim Lessons for $90
5 Semi-Private Swim Lessons for $150
1 Semi-Private Swim Lesson for $40
3 Semi-Private Swim Lessons for $120
5 Semi-Private Swim Lessons for $200
For more information please Contact:
Julia De Groot at 715-818-6014 or degroot@swcymca.org
Ian Hess at 715-818-6014 or ihess@swcymca.or
More Swimming
Aquatics Director
(715) 818-6014
Our mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
Wisconsin Rapids Hours
Monday- Friday: 5:00 AM- 8:00PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM- 5:00PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM- 3:00PM
Adams Hours
Monday- Thursday: 8:00AM- 7:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM- 5:00PM
Saturday- Sunday: Not Staffed
601 W Grand Ave
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
(715) 818-9622
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